I really love a good year in review post. 
Yes, part of the purpose is to document my work and progression as a business owner but honestly, 75% of my purpose in writing them is really for my own benefit--so that I can look back on this time in the years to come and remember all that was happening in my life & follow the journey on how I became who I am and how my business became what it is. If I don't document my life in increments, it's so easy to forget about the allllllll of little things I did once too much time has passed by, so these posts serve as snapshots of my year. And they act as a reminder that sustainable change doesn't take place in one giant leap but in the all of little "ah-ha's" that unfold over a thousand little steps. The things that don't seem like they're changing you in the moment but years later, you can see so clearly how all of those little shifts became a 180 degree arc. 
So 2014.
It was a really, really good year for me, both personally and professionally. 
When trying to think of a word that could encapsulate the year, the first one that popped into my head was "expansion". I would've preferred something sexier...but they say the first thought is probably the truest one, so that's what I'm going with. And I guess expansion really does fit the bill because in all ways, my life became more last year. 
A brief run-down of my year:
-celebrated my 35th birthday with the most perfect dinner party

-started working with Flynnside Out Productions as a Project Designer

-Spent the entirety of my summer working on HGTV.com's Holiday House 2014
-FINALLY reupholstered my dining chairs

-Styled a kick-ass faux dinner party

Tomas Espinosa

-Featured presenter at the 2014 Haven Conference

-Spent some long overdue & much needed time with my best friends in California. 
-Took the most perfect vacation in NYC after the RMDH project.

-Went to a broadway show with my best friend which may not sound like a big thing...but it was
-Recognized on HGTV.com's Front Door as one of Atlanta's best Interior Designers
-Became a (god) mom when my BFF from Spelman had a (very cute) baby boy!

-Redesigned a beautiful dining room for wonderful, color-loving clients who let me paint their trim & moulding robins egg blue!

-Got braces!!
-Finally wallpapered my laundry room. It's bold & I love it.

-Tried my hand at dating online & IRL. It's an interesting world out here for sure. Still trying. 

-Presented a "hail mary" pattern palette for a client's bedroom--she loved it and had me design her living room, too.

-Ended a business partnership. 
-Featured in a fantastic article in the Atlanta Journal Constitution
-Finally spent some time working on my own home & striped my entryway...in my favorite color combo, of course ;-)

-Faced a major health scare (All clear, thank God! See Instagram for details)
-Designed/Produced my first ever video project for FSO.
-Met & had a chance to work with some fantastic people

-Hosted a very fun Paleo Thanksgiving party
-Celebrated 4 years in business (here & here)
-An INCREDIBLE 8 page spread featuring my home & design philosophy in a national mag

I keep looking over this list thinking about more things I could add, but even with the small snapshot I've shared...this was indicative. 2014 was a good year.

Here's what I learned:

-Less How?? and more DO. Things have a way of lining up looooong before I can ever see that they are.
-Permission is not required. Period.
-My intuition will always be the truth, whether I receive it in the moment or not (& it will find me). It's like a radio tuned a static-y station on a low volume in my downstairs bathroom with the door closed (I like to think I have supersonic hearing). It's not "in your face", but it's a low hum that only I can hear, and intentionally choosing to ignore it will not make it stop humming. Point taken.
-Your tribe is out there--find the people who want to be on your team and roll with you & whatever it is you represent. I went out a few times with someone who liked to refer to my personality as "extra". Is it true? I guess that would depend on what your definition is. But my point is this--when he said it, it wasn't intended as a compliment. Whet??? And you call yourself trying to date me?? Umm...no, thank you! Girl, bye.
-Just say yes. A life of "expansion" requires facing my fears constantly & saying yes to things before I can get the details worked out in my mind. What's makes me expand is to acknowledge what I'm afraid of, then move towards that because occasionally my mental supersonic hearing is off and what sounds like an African lion is actually just a tabby cat.  *sigh*
-Come hell or high water, don't be without health insurance. Nothing is more important than my health & health insurance is NEVER more expensive than 8 weeks of lab tests, doctor visits & biopsies.
And most importantly,
-I am the author & architect therefore, it will be whatever I say it will be (now THAT'S powerful).

I hope you all had a fantastic holiday & a great New Year!!


In the midst of writing Part I, the wheels in my head started spinning with practical tips I could share with you if find yourself dreaming of starting a new biz or moving to the next level with your current one. Lots of specifics crossed my mind, but as I though of nuggets that would hold true across any industry, there were 2 major things that stood out to me.

Can it really be that simple--only two things??
Yup, it is.

I don't care what industry you're in, or how old you are, if you're looking to launch a new business there are really only 2 things you're really going to need in abundance.

pic via Angela Murry Morris 

Confidence & Faith.

Everyone thinks money is the holy grail--and don't get me wrong, it helps A LOT--but here's the thing:  there are many a problem that an abundance of money can't solve.
A fool-proof business plan? A dream business partner? A can't-fail marketing strategy?
All fine & dandy, but none of these things can take the place of good ol' confidence & faith.

Confidence: There's a video that's been floating around the web for years now, and it features a curly haired little girl dancing on top of a vanity in the bathroom mirror full of gratitude for every little thing & telling herself how wonderful she is (see it here).  It's a great video...all of us really should wake up reminding ourselves of our utter wonderfulness everyday. But the reality is that you're gonna have those days where you wonder if you're good enough.
If your work is solid. 
If people like you OR your business. 
If you're doing the right thing. 
If anyone is reading what you wrote. 
Maybe even if you're a fool for choosing your career path.
(yes, sometimes on this road you'll be really unkind to yourself, too)

pic via Christina Wedge for DRD

The confidence you'll need to develop isn't for those fantastic days when you'll feel like Olivia Pope, walking across the White House lawn in 6" stilettos, taking names & solving the crises of the world in 45 minutes. It's actually for those OTHER days....when you think that your parents (partner/friend/teacher/etc) might have been right and maybe you should go get a "real job" instead of trying to make your dream work.
When it seems like your endeavor isn't a novel idea after all.
When you feel all lost, overwhelmed and unsure about which way to go...so you kinda just want to give up instead.

The truth is, no one is really gonna be able to pull you out of those shitty spots but you.
Being successful in business really means finding your voice and expressing it, but you can't do that without a shot of confidence...because in being you & expressing your unique voice, there will inevitably be something you'll want to say or do one day that will go against the grain. And the main thing you need to go against the grain is, you guessed it--confidence.
(or as I like to say "balls"--even though my mom hates when I say that)

Faith: Although I believe in God, I'm not saying you have to. What I am saying is this:
 you need to be very clear about your fundamental belief on how you think the world works...and if it's not a positive set of beliefs, you might as well stop now. Because trust me--as you move & grow in your business, you'll come across enough reasons to doubt yourself or think something isn't possible without adding a negative world view into the mix. I believe that the circle you create/world you live in is merely a reflection of what you believe about other people and the world as a whole, so if you're one of those conspiracy theory/everyone-is-out-to-get-me/no-one-is-ever-on-my-side/nothing-ever-works-out-for-me kinda people, please let me help you save your hard earned dollars--just stop, now. Do not try to start a business unless you're selling said conspiracy theory (in that case, it's a perfect fit!)--you're better off finding something else to spend your money on.
Because there WILL be late nights of "why??" and early mornings of "how??" and if you don't have a fundamental world view (or belief in God) that says something like "good will always triumph" or "I'll never miss anything that is truly for me" or "the Universe is always conspiring in my favor", then chiiiile...you are gonna have a tough time. Because it's never "if" those days come but "when" they come. And when they do, you need to have something to stand on that keeps you moving forward when you're doubting yourself and it's too dark to see the light at the end of the tunnel. 
So develop a belief system that supports you and I promise...you'll find yourself supported.

When people talk about how much being an entrepreneur has changed them, I think this is really what they're talking about. That no matter the industry, what changes who you are the most is going through each of these phases & uncovering that thing that we all have deep inside to push us forward to the other end--at least I know this is what I mean.
Each time you beat back your doubts, you win.
Each time you take a chance on your intuition and see that it was right, you get stronger.
Each time you remind yourself that "no matter what it looks like right now, all is well", you grow.
Each time you go against your gut, get burned but keep moving anyhow...you STILL win .

And this is how being a business owner can change the very core of who you are.
You might not always get it right, your idea may not make a gazillion dollars, you might stick your foot in your mouth more times than you'd care to, and you may never become a commercial success (whatever that means to you), BUT...if you can just believe that you're on the right path and have some faith that everything is ultimately working out for your good in spite of the details, you can always rest assured of one thing.

You'll end up winning anyhow.

(And PS--if you have a husband/girlfriend/lover/partner that isn't supportive of your dreams, you need to exit stage left IMMEDIATELY...and you probably don't need me to tell you this. Going this road is hard enough without the support of your intimate circle. If you're in bed with someone who doesn't support you...you should think about what you're really telling yourself about what you deserve).


Atlanta Homes & Lifestyles


the annual "15 Under 40 " list



That's quite a combination, right?

I got an email back in February from Elizabeth Ralls, the EIC of


back in February informing me of

my selection to this year's "15 Under 40" list

and was utterly blown away. I still remember exactly where I was when I read the email (like, 5 times in a row) and how it felt. 

Have you ever experienced a moment of sheer joy? 


the kind where you can feel the chemistry in your body just shift in an instant?

That's what it felt like.

And for some this may be nothing more than another notch in the belt of successful business ownership, but for me it's a lesson in

faith, focus, passion and drive

. 4 years ago I had this list pinned on a bulletin board in my office and it was something that became a goal of mine for a long time...almost like I was trying to figure out how to get on the list. And after 2 years of constantly looking at it as I worked, I took it down and stored it away, because I realized that I wanted it to be about the work for me, not the end goal, and that--while making the list would be fantastic--not making the list didn't mean that my work wasn't good or I didn't have any validity as a designer. So I set off focusing on the other stuff...making a life I love, creating a business I enjoy, and totally forgot about that list at all.

Until that glorious day in February.

And then I did the Nae Nae.

The magazine is out this month in the May 2014 issue of Atlanta Homes & Lifestyles...

along with a feature on the AHL blog (found here) detailing how I got my start as a designer & the secrets behind my successful blog...I couldn't be prouder.

So to all of my fellow entrepreneurs, the best advice I can give you is this:

Keep working, and stay focused on doing what you love the most and not the accolade that comes with it.  Keep your head down, don't focus on anyone else's business but your own, and just go, go, GO! I just celebrated 3 years in business this past November and what I know for sure is that if God will do it for me, He'll do it for anyone. 

Fist pumps and jazz hands for everyone!

Getting my feet wet

They say a person goes through at least 15 jobs before before they find their career.  I've been through at least 8, so depending on how the future pans out, I'm either more than half way there or I will beat the status quo. In the meantime, I feel a quiet, but increasingly urgent nagging in my soul towards design.  While I loved Spelman (shout out to all of my Spelman Alumnae!), in hindsight I see that a Sociology degree was not for me.  The past 5 years have taught me that I'm happiest somewhere on the spectrum between conventionality and design. Where, you ask? To be honest, I'm still figuring that out, but getting one step closer everyday. I love anything having to do with renovating spaces, decorating, shopping, daydreaming, travel, music, and food so that's what you'll find on these pages. You may also find the occasional commentary on a variety of things, because I can.  :)  I love beautiful interiors and am on a constant quest to meet my own expectations. My home office is filled with design notebooks (ideas that I love), home magazines, and product guides (flooring, wallpaper, etc.), so this blog gives me an outlet to share my ideas and get feedback. I've been wanting to write a blog for awhile, so I believe this is a great fit. If you enjoy it, please follow me, leave your comments (or questions) and let me know what you think. Thanks!